
News Stories

End of Year Family Fun Night

Our Catholic School Council has started the preparations for our end of Year School Family Fun Night. We have chosen a tentative date of Friday, June 6th with a rain date of Friday, June 13th. This year our goal is to hold a silent auction with funds to support fundraising for technology, our school library or mats for our gymnasium. We are asking out community’s ... Continue reading "End of Year Family Fun Night"

A Special Thanks to the Luke 4:18 Committee- Black Excellence Month

The Luke 4:18 committee worked diligently throughout the month of February to showcase the achievements and contributions of Black Canadians. As part of their efforts, students created informative posters that were displayed around the school to educate others about the lives of Black Canadians who have made a significant impact in our world today. 

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the ... Continue reading "A Special Thanks to the Luke 4:18 Committee- Black Excellence Month"

Healthy Snack Program: The Great Big Crunch – Celebrating Nourishing Food at School

The Great Big Crunch is a nationwide Canadian movement where students, teachers, and community members come together to take a synchronized bite into apples, creating a big “crunch” that raises awareness for school food programs. The goal of The Great Big Crunch movement is to ensure that every school-aged child in Canada has access to a healthy meal or snack at school every day. On ... Continue reading "Healthy Snack Program: The Great Big Crunch – Celebrating Nourishing Food at School"

Tales from the Heart – collaboration with Sacred Heart CHS

Next week, we welcome staff and students from Sacred Heart into some of our Primary and Junior classes.  The Tales from the Heart initiative has provided our students with an opportunity to explore new and meaningful books, a platform to share their unique voice, and feel empowered to express who they are. The books chosen for these sessions are a part of the Forest of ... Continue reading "Tales from the Heart – collaboration with Sacred Heart CHS"

Thank you Todd Jamieson

Last week, Indigenous Elder Todd Jamieson visited with our Grade 7 classes to share learning about Treaties and the importance of keeping them. Throughout the afternoon, students also explored and held traditional items of significance including a Wampum belt, “a powerful tool for recording, affirming, interpreting, and enshrining events of significance for First  Peoples on Turtle Island”. We thank Mr. Jamieson for the opportunity learn ... Continue reading "Thank you Todd Jamieson"

Equity and Inclusion Week

We are looking forward to this years’ Equity and Inclusion Week. This year’s theme is Building Blocks, Building Communities and has a focus on understanding what a community is, the importance of working towards Truth and Reconciliation and how we can build community in our classrooms, school and the greater community.  

During this week, through classroom conversations, lessons and activities, our students will ... Continue reading "Equity and Inclusion Week"