St.Elizabeth Seton CES is a nut safe school

As part of our ongoing commitment to creating a safe and healthy environment for all our students, and in keeping with YCDSB Policy 206 and our efforts to create a risk-free environment, school staff and Parent(s)/Guardian(s) can take important steps to minimize potentially life-threatening situations to develop and implement strategies that reduce the risk of a medical incident for students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in classrooms, common school areas and on approved excursions and activities.  We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of our nut-safe policy.

To ensure the well-being of our students and staff who are at risk of severe allergic reactions, we ask for your support in keeping our school a nut-safe zone. We kindly request all parents and guardians to refrain from sending any nut-based products in lunchboxes, snacks, or for school events. This includes items containing peanuts, tree nuts, or any nut derivatives. Additionally, we ask that you do not send products such as Wow Butter to school, as this can cause confusion for students who have life threatening allergies. If students have questions about ingredients, we encourage them to consult a staff member. For added safety, nut-free snacks are available in each classroom for children who may need them. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that nut-containing items are consumed at home and that students refrain from sharing food with one another at school.