Junglesport Inc. climbing and adventure programs are coming to St. Elizabeth Seton CES from March 31st – April 4th! Junglesport will set up its climbing jungle gym in our school gymnasium. All Junglesport activities follow strict safety rules. All students are asked to wear comfortable clothing and they must wear running shoes to participate in the activities on the days of their sessions. The cost for your child to participate in the program is $10.00. Each class will have up to 3 sessions. Should you wish for your child to participate, kindly return payment (cash or cheque made payable to St. Elizabeth Seton CES), the Jungle Sport INFORMED CONSENT/PERMISSION FORM FOR EDUCATION TRIPS and the YCDSB INFORMED CONSENT FOR EDUCATION TRIPS – ELEMENTS OF RISK: ACTIVITY SPECIFIC ADMIN 73 FORM to your child’s teacher before Wednesday, March 26th, 2025. Please call the school if you require another permission form.