October is Cyber Awareness Month

Cyber Awareness Month (CAM) campaign has been developed to help Ontario school boards promote safer and more secure practices. The campaign uses digital technologies to promote best practices in cyber safety, cyber security, and online privacy in K-12. The Educational Computing Network of Ontario (ECNO), Ontario school boards and the Ministry of Education have developed a K-12 cyber awareness campaign and information which can be accessed using the following link: https://www.getcybersafe.gc.ca/en/cyber-security-awareness-monthhttps://cybersecurityontario.ca/. Throughout the month of October, our students may explore all of the ways they can stay safe when navigating the online world.

Please continue to promote, with your child, the importance of being thoughtful when sharing information and pictures online and with whom as our students become aware of the world around them. We thank you for continuing to help our child learn how to be responsible digital citizens and for monitoring your child’s online digital footprint with the various social media platforms.