The York Catholic District School Board has a policy in place to help protect anaphylactic students and staff with life threatening allergies. Protecting anaphylactic students and staff from exposure to life threatening substances creates a major challenge for all elementary schools.
As outlined in the policy, parents are asked to inform the school of such allergies and are required to fill out S15 and S15a forms, which are available in the office. Forms were sent home with your child in June. Parents are also asked to ensure that students for whom Epi Pens are prescribed have two EpiPens at school. One EpiPen must be worn by the student in a fanny pack at all times. This includes on the bus, on excursions and all other school related activities. The other EpiPen must be stored at the school for emergency use. See our school newsletter for more information about school processes. Thank you for working with us to keep all in our building safe.